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How Gecko Exchange Works

Getting Started
Create Trade
A trade must be conducted either by the buyer or the seller in order to use our escrow service.
The party who conducted the trade is obliged to set the terms of exchange which must have already been discussed and accepted by both parties.
Verify your Email Address
Check your email to verify the trade that has been conducted
Login to view and check trade
Login to check trade
Both parties(most especially the second party who did not conduct the trade) are obliged to login to the trade with the passcodes provided by Gecko Exchange via email to check if the right cryptocurrencies/tokens and right amounts have been set on the terms.
Accept or Reject Trade
You can either accept or reject a trade. You accept when all the right conditions as excepted have been met or reject when they have not been met.
Get your cryptocurrency or token ready!
Get the cryptocurrency or token you intend to exchange ready for exchange.
Continue with Trade
Ongoing Transaction
You are required to send your cryptocurrency or token to the address or barcode provided by Gecko Exchange and mark as completed after sending.
Wait For Partner to Finish Task

Once your partner has finished the task, they must mark it as completed.

The escrow service hold both cryptocurrencies or tokens from exchanging partners and release the supposed funds to the parties accordingly after making sure all terms and transactions have been met

Sending or Refunding of Funds
The Escrow service will dispatch different cryptocurrencies or tokens to the parties as agreed earlier. Each party will be asked to provide a wallet address for the cryptocurrency or token they are meant to receive. The funds will be sent to the provided addresses almost immediately.
If the escrow service does not receive excepted cryptocurrency or token from one the parties after a given amount of time, the escrow service ask the other party to provide a wallet address for refund of the cryptocuurency or token.
Finishing Up
Transaction Complete
Transaction has been successfully completed and funds have been transferred to both parties's wallet with every term and agreement been met.
Transaction Complete
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